Brucellosis is a bacteria commonly found in raw or sour milk. It's largely contained by pasteurization, but is often found in unpasteurized cheeses. Once it's ingested, it can multiply rapidly, particularly in those persons who are taking antacids. Once it enters the bloodstream, it can affect any part of the body, including all of the organs and the reproductive system, often causing death by organ failure.
Brucellosis is usually contracted from dairy products, but can be transmitted from animals to humans, and can also be transmitted by direct contact, such as sexual activity.
Brucellosis may often disappear, only to come back at a later time. If this happens, in many cases the immune system becomes unable to fight the disease and it causes further symptoms, particularly arthritis-like symptoms.
Brucellosis can be detected with genetic tests, but these are time consuming. It's often diagnosed by taking a culture from the patient's urine or spinal fluid. It can also be suggested by X-rays or CT scans.