Fainting or syncope is a physiological response to a temporary loss of blood pressure to the brain which causes momentary delirium, loss of muscular rigidity, and a short period of unconsciousness. The affected person falls forward, which restores blood pressure to the head and usually results in a rapid recovery from the symptoms. It should be very temporary in nature as opposed to similar collapses caused by other causes, such as drugs, concussion, or narcolepsy.
Fainting in and of itself is not usually a sign of a serious disorder. However, if it's frequent, it's usually a symptom of chronically low blood pressure. In most cases, it's caused by approaching exhaustion from heat or fatigue. In some cases, it can be brought about by standing too quickly.
Fainting rarely results in trauma as the body protects itself from serious injury by putting the hands in front of the body as it falls as an autonomic response.
In 97 Seconds, Thomas Stark faints while fixed upright in his wheelchair and, as a result, does not regain consciousness.