Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by a high sense of self-worth, expectations of superior treatment and attention, arrogance and a lack of empathy. NPD is far more common in men than it is in women. Individuals with this personality disorder believe they are entitled to and will receive material wealth and personal fulfillment no matter what their efforts. In fact, most individuals with this personality disorder make up the majority of the upper class in the corporate or business world on top of the social hierarchy, as well as dominating politics, the sports industry, and social media. Today, NPD is one of the most studied and renowned personality disorders, with borderline personality disorder, in the world, and many individuals have these common personality disorders.
Patients with NPD tend to focus on their social status, and have an inflated sense of self-importance. The main goal of patients with NPD is acquiring energy supply from their victims by being kind to them on the surface, manipulating them to hear every single accomplishments that narcissists achieved in their personal lives, and being an insulting bigot (e.g. being racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic) to minorities, as well as walking or having control over others. Unfortunately, victims who wake up to the narcissists' manipulation and pathological lying and call them out on their misbehavior, will be abused and gaslighted by narcissists and their codependent followers, such as those with BPD and those with DPD, and their victims will be discarded immediately to be replaced with other scapegoats. As a result of being discarded, victims gain PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
The following conditions commonly coexist with NPD:
- Spoiled Child syndrome
- Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
- Antisocial personality disorder (AsPD)
- Sadistic personality disorder (SPD)
- Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
- Voyeurism
- Alcohol use disorder
- Anthropophobia
- Gynophobia
- Ablephobia
- Homophobia
- Xenophobia
- Pedophilic disorder