Robert Payne Academy is a prep school which appears in Joy to the World. It is the school where the patient (Natalie Soellner) went as well as her boyfriend Simon and their classmates.
Joy to the World[]
Christmas performance[]

The school Jazz Ensemble performs
The school has put on a Christmas performance including a Nativity scene and a Vocal Jazz Ensemble performance. Natalie Soellner is tricked by fellow students Rachelle and Sarah to sing the wrong lyrics in 'The Christmas Song' to instead make fun of their teacher Mr. Henderson.
Soon after Natalie does this, she projectile vomits and collapses.
Searching the school[]
Taub and Kutner search the lockers of Natalie Soellner and Simon for drugs. Kutner comments that "This place actually smells of evil".

Taub and Kutner search the school
They find the magic mushrooms in Simon's locker and a giant bottle of acetaminophen in Natalie's.
- Mr. Henderson
- Janitor