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During the Pilot episode, House says "You can't always gets what you want", to Cuddy unsympathetically. It is a phrase taken from The Rolling Stones' song "You Can't Always Get What You Want", and House tells Cuddy it was from the great philosopher Jagger, the Stones lead singer.

At the end of the same episode, Dr. Cuddy retorts somewhat incorrectly: "If you try sometimes you can get what you need," another lyric from the same song. The chorus of the song was also heard at the end of the episode.

In Honeymoon, it's also mentioned in passing and the full version rather than just the chorus is heard.

At the end of the episode Meaning, "You Can't Always Get What You Want", plays again.

In Living The Dream, the song "Waiting for a Friend" is present.

In Wilson's Heart, Amber's last words in House's dream-state are "You can't always get what you want," to reference, "You Can't Always Get What You Want", which is played at the end of the first and second seasons and the fact both Amber and House have the tendency to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

At the end of Unfaithful, House (alone at his piano) begins to play a traditional Jewish song. However, almost mournfully, he then proceeds to play an embellished melody to the tune of "You can't always get what you want" to end his medley.

At the end of Both Sides Now, "As Tears Go By", another Rolling Stones song is heard.

It also plays at the end of Last Temptation, until Masters trips over House's chicken.

The Full Chorus[]

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need.


  • Olivia Wilde's parents knew Mick Jagger and she once asked him to get out of her regular chair at the dinner table when she was young.